Friday, November 14, 2008

One of those days

Ever have one of those days... you know, you just shouldn't have gotten out of bed, wish everyone you came in contact with had stayed in bed. I had one of those days today. We had to go over to my mothers summer place to clean out the pantry and try to find some stuff we were looking for. The kids were making me crazy with the whining and not listening. The more I yelled and lost my patience, the worse they were acting. Then we went into a store and again they were just driving me crazy. My mom stayed with them at the register while I went back and got something. When I got back to the register, they were talking to the cashier, being great kids, too cute, just totally engaging. Then I remembered why I love being a mom. I love that they can make me totally crazy one minute, and then fill my heart with love and pride the next minute. I love that they can be so helpful at times and then turn right around and make the biggest mess ever seen. I love that they try to help me clean, but never finish the job, but think they do such a great job. Most of all, I love that even when I turn into crazy, mean mommy, they still love me and they forgive me for my shortfalls.

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