Saturday, August 15, 2009


WHY WHY WHY WHY do they need to go to school? I have been dreading this time since they were born. I love my babies, I actually like having them around (shocking I know). I am so completely freaked out about them going to school. Outside influence, strangers, time away from mommy...all these things are bad!

I have 18 days to get myself ready for them to go to school. The kids, they are so ready, me... not so much! My big decision right now is whether to put them on the bus the first day of school. I want to drive them to school. I want to hold their hands, and walk them to their class rooms (and yes, there are 2 class rooms, and I am still not very happy about that!!!) make sure that they remember their teachers, (more importantly, make sure the teacher remembers me) hug them good bye and then stand outside the class room secretly watching then and make sure they are okay. What if they need me? What if they are sad, and need a "mommy snuggle"? I really can't imagine putting them in the hands of someone who doesn't know them at all, someone who doesn't love them. If they fall and get hurt, with the teacher hug them until they stop crying? Will they blow on the medicine they put on the boo boo so it doesn't sting?

Then I think about things like, are they ready? Did I teach them enough? Will they fall behind? Will the teachers think they are stupid?

Will anyone pick on them because they are quads? Will anyone pick on them because they are fertility babies? I never really thought about having "fertility babies" and sending them to school. So many people are uneducated about fertility, and they can say some nasty things. And then the Octomom thing happened, and people got even worse about it. I never worried about before, but now I worry about parents who have a problem with fertility. You would be amazed at how many people have an opinion about something they know NOTHING about!!!

Okay, I guess I have rambled enough. I am sure I will get through this, I am sure I ill grow up enough to send my babies to school, I just wish I could have another year!

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