Monday, June 14, 2010

We made it!!!!!

It's over....Thank God!!!  We all survived their first year of school!!!!
180 days ago I tearfully left them to meet new people, have new experiences and generally grow up. I did this unwillingly, but they were so excited! They could not get there fast enough and I was so worried, so sad and just nervous.

Since school started they have learned so many things. They can read now, their writing is leaps and bounds better than it was, they are doing math, learning new vocabulary is amazing! They have made new friends...most of them I like, some of them...not so much! They are turning into little people with opinions and likes/dislikes, fashion sense and so many other things. It has truly been wonderful watching them grow into the big kids they are becoming.

As I watched the kindergarten celebration today, I couldn't help but fast forward in my mind to when they graduate from High School. It was a moment that almost over took my emotions. I feel like if I blink, it will be here. I know they are still my babies, but I am not ready for the years to come yet. I am trying to graciously let them come, but oh my, I really wish I could keep them little forever!

One the first day of school, I posted pictures of them.... I took pictures this morning and I realize that my babies are definitely not babies anymore!!!!!!



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