Friday, April 9, 2010


So I have been sick for abut 3 weeks. Sinus infection, ear infection and bronchitis. I waited a week before I went to the know, you can't rush into getting better! LOL So I got my antibiotics and started taking them, ready for a quick recovery. Didn't happen.

Then on Saturday, we went to the ball field to play a family game of T-Ball and it was warm and we had a great time. When we got home, Samantha was acting funny, really tired and grumpy. Took her temperature, and it was 101ish. Great!!! Just what I need when I am still trying to get better. Sunday it was in the 103 range. I called the Dr and she let me know that we should come in and see her on Monday if the fever hadn't gone away.

It didn't

So we went.

She has Strep and Scarlatina....WONDERFUL!

Oh yeah, and Jeremy has an ear infection. So I get antibiotics for all 4 of them...just in case. Samantha was out of school until today. And she was miserable. For the first couple of days she felt really crappy, then she was feeling better, but still had a fever so she couldn't go to school. Yesterday was a nightmare. She was mad from the time she woke up until she went to bed....then woke up like that this morning too. Oh boy. I was so happy to see her go to school this morning.

Everyone seems to be feeling better....except me. I still can't hear, can't breathe through my nose and I am coughing like crazy. 2 more days of meds, and then I will go back to the Dr...maybe she can fix me.

One of these days we will be healthy for more than a week. It would be so nice! I remain hopeful :)

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